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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM is committed to protecting the privacy of the users of the various websites and digital platforms that it makes available and owned by QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM. In this context, it has drawn up this Privacy, Security and Data Protection Policy in order to ensure its commitment and respect for privacy and personal data protection rules.

Therefore, in accordance with and for the purpose of EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (General Regulation on Data Protection) (hereinafter “RGPD”), QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM UNIPESSOAL, LDA, tax payer no. 516332511, with headquarters at Quinta Vale do Homem – Rendufe 4720-628 Amares – Portugal (hereinafter “QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM”) handles the following information:

Purpose of obtaining data

The data obtained within the digital presence of QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM are intended to ensure several functionalities of our websites and to improve their navigation, as well as the subscription to Newsletters and information of QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM, its departments and establishments and the communication team of QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM.

The User Data are collected to allow the FIFTH VALE DO HOMEM to provide its Services, as well as for the following purposes: interaction with social networks and external platforms, statistics, access to third party service accounts, contact the User and view content from external platforms.

Users may obtain additional detailed information on such processing purposes and on the specific Personal Data used for each purpose in the respective sections of this document.

Types of personal data

The QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM, through its websites, does not process personal data belonging to special categories within the meaning of Article 9 of Regulation EU 2016/679.

Through the Website or Messages, the QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM can obtain and process the following personal data:

a) Information provided by you on the Website, Booking or Hiring Services, Newsletter subscription, purchase of Quinta products in the Online Store, or by Messages, either by filling in forms or sent in free text. This information includes, in particular, that provided at registration to use the Website, when necessary, or to benefit from services provided by QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM, such as activities, newsletters, content placement or others. The information you provide when you participate in any area that involves your registration or provision of content or when you interact with QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM, such as when you send an e-mail requesting information, can also be handled.

b) Information regarding your visits to the Website including, in particular, IP addresses, information about your computer such as, where available, operating system and type of browser, for system administration and to facilitate navigation and return to the Website on subsequent visits. In principle, this data will be processed only for statistical purposes on the actions and navigation patterns of Website users and will not allow the identification of any individual. However, when the user provides other information, such data may allow identification. As a rule, this information will be handled through the use of cookies.

Our websites use tracking technologies (Cookies) to ensure various features and better navigation. These technologies also make it possible to collect data such as location, day and time of access, IP addresses, etc. More information on the use of tracking is available in our Cookie policy.

The personal data collected by QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM are limited to what is strictly necessary for the pursuit of the purposes for which they were requested.

We do not retain payment data such as Credit Card or other means. In the case of online payments, the service is provided by the entity hired for this purpose, on its website, where the payment will be processed and not on our website. These payments are processed in a secure environment with data encryption.

When personal data are provided, QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM provides all the information legally required for the processing of such data and requires the consent of its holders when this is required by law.

If you are already a registered customer on our site, you can change your personal data whenever you want by simply entering your Username and Password in the Personal Area, or by requesting us to change or remove data.


We use cookies to store information such as your personal preferences when you visit our website. This may include a simple popup, or a link to various services we provide, such as forums.

You have the power to turn off your cookies, in your browser options, or by making changes to the tools of Anti-Virus programs, such as Norton Internet Security. However, this may change the way you interact with our website, or other websites. This may or may not affect your ability to log into programs, websites or forums of our and other networks.


The services contained in this section enable the QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM to monitor and analyze web traffic on your site and can be used to track User behavior. For this purpose we use the Google Analytics service.

Google Analytics (Google Inc.)

Google Analytics is an internet analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google uses the data collected to track and examine the use of this service (QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM) to prepare activity reports and share them with other Google services.
Google may use the data collected to contextualize and personalize the ads from its own ad network.
Personal data collected: Cookie and Use Data.
Processing location: USA – Privacy Policy (https://www.google.com/intl/pt/policies/privacy/).
If you wish, you can block access to your data by Google – Opt Out (https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=pt).
Google Analytics (Google Inc.)

Interaction with social networks and external platforms

These types of services allow interaction with social networks or other external platforms directly from the pages of this service (QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM). The interaction and information obtained by QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM are always subject to the privacy settings of the User in each social network. If a service that allows interaction with social networks is installed, it can collect traffic data to the pages, where the service is installed, even when Users are not using them.
For more details please consult the Privacy Policy of each of the social networks.

Optional or mandatory nature of the supply of personal data

The provision of personal data is generally optional except when necessary for billing processing in cases of reservations and acquisition of products or services, documents the issue of which we are legally obliged to. Failure to provide data may make it impossible to access specific services and obtain any information requested.

Rights of the holders of personal data

Under the terms of the General Personal Data Protection Regulations, the data subject is guaranteed the exercise of all legally permitted rights, namely the right of access, rectification, limitation, portability, opposition and cancellation of any personal data of which he is the owner.

Newsletter Subscription

To ensure clear and unambiguous consent, in addition to the subscription form, the QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM has implemented a second level of opt-in (subscription). After filling in the form, you will receive in your email inbox a subscription confirmation email which you should validate so that you can receive communications from QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM.

Using your e-mail address to send newsletters

We use your e-mail address outside of contract processing exclusively to send you a newsletter for our own marketing purposes, if you explicitly agree to this. The processing will be carried out on the basis of art. 6(1) of the RGPD with your consent. You may withdraw your consent at any time without affecting the legality of the processing carried out with your consent until the withdrawal.

Comments and opinions

By voluntarily filling in comments or opinions on the site about the services provided, about our facilities and your stays at the Quinta, you implicitly agree to their publication on our site, safeguarding the care for identity preservation. QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM reserves the right to choose and/or approve in advance and publish or not these comments or opinions, since it is a private and not public website.

If you believe that your rights have been infringed, you may also lodge a complaint with the relevant monitoring body. In Portugal, this authority is the National Data Protection Commission. More information on the CNPD is available at www.cnpd.pt

Time limits for data retention

The period of time for which data are stored and retained varies according to the purpose for which the information is used.

In Newsletters, the period of storage and processing of the personal data you provide us with begins at the time the applicant submits the subscription form and ends at the time of cancellation of the subscription.

You can unsubscribe at any time through a link available in all our newsletters or by contacting us.

When unsubscribing, the data subject will receive an email notification and, subject to the terms of the applicable legislation, his/her data will be removed from our newsletter mailing list.

Person responsible for processing personal data

The entity responsible for collecting and processing personal data is QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM.

Rendufe 4720-628 Amares – Portugal
Phone: (+351) 253 319 410
EMAIL: reservas@quintavaledohomem.com

In strict compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act, the person responsible for processing establishes which data are to be collected, the means of processing these data and the format and purpose for which they are used, and provides all necessary information to their holders.

Place of processing of personal data

The data processing takes place in the above mentioned premises of QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM and is processed only by technical staff of the titular entity responsible for its processing. In the case of the newsletter the QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM together with the team of Contacto Visual (www.contactovisual.pt) that manages the maintenance of the platform, self-certified in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 6 of Chapter III of the COMMISSION DECISION (EU) 2016/1250 of 12 July 2016 concerning the level of protection provided by the EU-US Privacy Shield, applied pursuant to Art. 45 of the GDPR.
Information tracking

QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM uses tracking technologies to improve navigation on its websites and newsletters. Obtaining this data is essential to ensure functionality, to improve navigation on our websites and to send the Newsletter in order to improve our communications with subscribers. See our Cookie policy for more information.

Children’s privacy

Personal data relating to minors may only be made available on the QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM websites by the holders of parental responsibilities and within legal parameters.

In such cases, the controller shall make all appropriate efforts to verify that consent has been given or authorised by the holder of the child’s parental responsibilities, taking into account the available technology.

QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM cannot be held responsible for the lawfulness of the processing of personal data provided by persons who commit fraud regarding their identity.

The Newsletters of QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM, being a direct service offer of the information society, are directed to people over 16 years old. QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM does not intend, in any way, to treat information from minors under 16 years old, therefore the subscription to the Newsletter should only be done by people over 16 years old.

QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM encourages parents to take an active role in controlling their children’s use of the Internet and to inform them of the potential dangers of providing their information on the Internet.
How is your personal data protected?

In accordance with the legislation in force and taking into account the available technology, QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM provides an adequate level of protection of your personal data, namely by implementing the necessary technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against their accidental destruction, loss or modification, as well as against access and other unauthorised processes.

However, the QUINTA VALE DO HOMEM informs that no security system can guarantee absolute protection. We remain at your disposal for any question or observation concerning the confidentiality and security of your personal data.

Changes to this privacy policy

The Owner reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time. In this case your consent will be automatically revoked, and on your next visit to our website you will be invited again to read and agree with this document.

For more information regarding your personal data or this Privacy Policy, please contact us:
Phone: (+351) 253 319 410
EMAIL: reservas@quintavaledohomem.com

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